Export to France

Export to France

In 2021, France’s exports of goods amount to €500.9 billion (+17% compared to 2020) while imports of goods amount to €585.6 billion (+18.8% compared to 2020).

Main countries that export to France (in billions €)

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Import / export balance of France (in billions €)


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France and Germany trade

In 2021, Germany remained by far France’s most important trading partner, its most important customer and its most important supplier

Export from Germany to France

When exporting goods to other member states of the European Union, a one-time application must be made to the Federal Central Tax Office for the VAT identification number. German companies have the option of having the identification number of the corresponding recipient verified at the Federal Central Tax Office.

Source : Amtlich-einfach

Sell online in France


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French GDP & economy

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